This afternoon, a false alarm occurred at Coolidge Elementary School when a blue light button was accidentally pushed. Police responded immediately and all students and staff are safe. We apologize for any concern this caused, especially in light of the recent events in Georgia. Our hearts go out to the community of Apalachee High School and we are very grateful for the quick response today by our staff and police. Please reach out to your child's school with any questions.
6 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Alert 9-6
Good afternoon MJHS Mustangs: Unfortunately, due to today's extreme heat, the Girl's Softball Away Game at Crete-Monee HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Please stay safe & cool this afternoon! Buenas tardes MJHS Mustangs: Desafortunadamente, debido al calor extremo de hoy, el Juego de Softbol Femenino en Crete-Monee HA SIDO CANCELADO. ¡Por favor, manténganse seguros y frescos esta tarde!
6 months ago, Associate Principal Hartmann
PE Uniforms that were ordered online are being delivered to students at MJHS this Wednesday-Friday! If you did not purchase your students' items online or at the Back to School Bash please review the procedure on the flyer below! ¡Los uniformes de educación física que se ordenaron en línea se entregarán a los estudiantes en MJHS este miércoles y viernes! Si no compró los artículos de sus estudiantes en línea o en la fiesta de regreso a clases, ¡revise el procedimiento en el folleto a continuación!
6 months ago, Associate Principal Hartmann
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope all of our students have a great first day. Our offices will close at 12:30 PM this afternoon. Please contact your child's school with any questions.
7 months ago, Lansing School District 158
First Day
Cultural Celebration Day at Fox Pointe - August 17, 2024
7 months ago, Memorial Junior High School
Cultural Celebration Day at Fox Pointe - August 17, 2024
Please see below for a letter from Superintendent Dr. Schilling regarding a temporary change in the Administrative Team at Memorial Junior High School.

You are welcome to contact Memorial's Main Office with any questions. We look forward to seeing all of our students and staff back next week!

7 months ago, Lansing School District 158
MJHS Letter English
MJHS Letter Spanish
MJHS Online PE Store Open Now! August 1st-August 15th! Beat the Rush! Order Online! Uniforms Delivered to Your Child at School!
7 months ago, Keli Ross
MJHS Academic and Enrichment Summer School begins on June 17th. Bus information will be provided via email on June 13th.
9 months ago, Associate Principal Hartmann
Summer School Info
Summer School Info
Summer School Info
Summer School Info
Summer School Info
Summer School Info
Summer School Info
As we look forward to celebrating our last day of school with students, staff, and families tomorrow (Friday, June 7), please note that our offices will close at 1:00 PM. We are very appreciative for all of the work everyone has done to help the 2023-2024 school year be successful. Have a wonderful last day of school and start to summer break.
9 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Congratulations to our final ABCDE Award recipient of 2023-2024: Jose Gutierrez, who owns the Lansing McDonald's on Torrence Avenue. Mr. Gutierrez has hosted two McTeacher Nights this year and helped raise over $2,200 for Memorial and Oak Glen! #158Strong #MightyMustangs #OakGlenExtraordinaire
10 months ago, Lansing School District 158
D158ABCD Award
Please be reminded that Online Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will close for returning students tomorrow (Tuesday, April 30, 11:59 PM). Any returning students who do not register during this time will be required to register and prove residency starting Thursday, August 1. Elementary students who register late may need to be shuttled to other schools in the District. We encourage all families to register your student(s) as soon as possible in order to secure a spot at your home school!
10 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Returning Student Registration Closes
Free summer meals for all children 18 and under.
10 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Summer Meals English
Summer Meals Spanish
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Cultural Festival - April 18 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Memorial Junior High School
11 months ago, Lansing School District 158
DEI Event
Lansing School District 158 will be participating in the upcoming Good Neighbor Day Parade on Saturday, May 4! If you would like to walk with us, please see below for an online store to purchase parade t-shirts.

Orders should be placed no later than Friday, April 19. Parents, students, family members, and community stakeholders are welcome to participate. We look forward to seeing you there! Feel free to contact the office of your child's school with any questions. All of our schools will be represented at the parade.

11 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Good Neighbor Day Shirt
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Cultural Festival - April 18 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Memorial Junior High School
12 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Cultural Festival
District 158's Regular Board of Education Meeting planned for tonight (March 20, 2024) is being cancelled due to the absence of school board members. This meeting will be rescheduled for Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 6:00 PM at the District Administration Center, 18300 Greenbay Avenue, Lansing, IL 60438. A new agenda will be published before the rescheduled meeting.
12 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Board Meeting Change
All of our schools are closed tomorrow (Tuesday, March 19) for Election Day and students will not be in session. We hope our stakeholders will take an opportunity to vote in the General Primary Election. The District Office will be open tomorrow and students return to school on Wednesday, March 20.
12 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Election Day
Village of Lansing Cleanup Day - April 20, 2024
12 months ago, Lansing School District 158
Cleanup Day 1
Cleanup Day 2
Congratulations to Memorial sixth grader Jacob Granados for winning the Village of Lansing's vehicle sticker contest! His design featuring two arms hugging a heart-shaped Earth will be displayed on 15,000 vehicles in Lansing. #158Strong #MightyMustangs
12 months ago, Memorial Junior High School
Congratulations to Memorial Principal Dr. Ross for being named the Illinois Principals Association South Cook Middle School Principal of the Year! #158Strong #MightyMustangs
about 1 year ago, Lansing School District 158