Ms. White's 3rd graders are working through their novel study & focusing on text evidence and characterization.
Winter Wonderfest fun at Oak Glen!
Mr. White's class had a great day learning from and then collaborating on a craft with their parents!
Oak Glen Grizzlies had an awesome time at our Annual Turkey Shoot! It was great having TFS High School Basketball players come over to connect, ref, and cheer on our students!
Oak Glen Principal Mr. Earnshaw was honored to present at the Teach Better 2019 Conference in Akron, Ohio on Saturday, November 9 - connecting, networking, and sharing the amazing things Oak Glen is doing for our students and community!
Mrs. Forsyth's 2nd graders know there's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition while learning in centers!
Mrs. Annick's 1st graders had a great time when Mrs. Steinwig visited and read her children's book!
Awesome day having Dennis Mathew, author of Bello the Cello, come read, talk with, and sing for Oak Glen!
Look for order forms to purchase Mr. Mathew's books coming home later this week!
Mrs. Kmetz's 3rd graders are having fun while learning their vocabulary!
Mrs. Balciunas's classroom has learning all over it! Here, Oak Glen students are searching for sight words on the door. Once the word is found, they give it a high five!
Oak Glen 3rd graders spent the day as construction workers, earning their way up the ranks through apprentices, journeymen, and foremen by completing activities! Such an inspiring, engaging, and educational day!
Thanks to Board Member and Community Reader Dr. Wallace, who spent time reading Thanksgiving books to Ms. Huppert's kindergarteners and Mrs. Berridge's first grade class at Oak Glen!
Mrs. Mahoney does a great job promoting and encouraging reading when students visit her for LRC time!
Mrs. Mahoney does a great job promoting and encouraging reading when students visit her for LRC time!
Mrs. Mahoney does a great job promoting and encouraging reading when students visit her for LRC time!
Oak Glen's Social Worker, Ms. Toppmeyer (who is now a Licensed Clinical Social Worker!), engaged and taught the faculty about positive behavior interventions and supports for students. #RECOGNIZE
Isabelle, a 1st grader in Mrs. Robins' class, was so good we couldn't ignore! Everyday Isabelle stays behind after lunch to help cleanup! Thanks for being a true #OakGlenGrizzly Isabelle!
Oak Glen students brought in 704 pairs of socks to donate to the homeless for Socktober! 2nd grade had brought in the most pairs, beating out 1st grade by just 8 pairs! Their generosity and kindness earned them a fun time at the Sock Hop!
Great afternoon learning and reading about Mrs. Wishy-Washy with Ms. Huppert's Kindergarteners.
Kaylie, an Oak Glen 5th grader, was So Good We Couldn't Ignore! Kaylie found money outside, turned it in to the office, and helped find and return who it belonged to! That's a true Oak Glen Grizzly!